

Use of SDK in Monetization

What is an SDK?

An SDK or Software Development Kit is a set of codes and programs that a game developer can use to connect his game with an external third party technology provider. In monetization, a mobile game publisher can integrate an external SDK into his game, using that SDK’s features/tools to display In-App-Ads.

ConsoliAds SDK

ConsoliAds feature rich and light weight SDK is incorporated with technological tools allowing a publisher to access multiple Ad Networks simultaneously, ensuring highest fill rates and maximum revenues. The SDK is pre-equipped with top paying 7 ad networks for your convenience including ConsoliAds, Admob, UnityAds, Vungle, Adcolony, Applovin and Ironsource.

Download ConsoliAds Mediation SDK here.

SDK Integration

To access all these features, download the relevant SDK file which supports your game development platform (Unity, Android, iOS). Up next, you need to import all the downloaded SDK files into your project, following a few simple steps that will lead to the integration of the SDK into your project. After that you will be able to monetize through ConsoliAds SDK and use all its features in a single go.

See the complete documentation for integration here.

Other Ad Networks SDK

ConsoliAds also offers top Ad Networks updated SDK’s with wrappers. It helps you to add or remove any specific ad network of your choice from our Mediation SDK and make a combination of your own preferred SDKs for mediation.

Download other ad networks SDK’s here.

Game Monetization

Game Monetization is a process to earn through mobile games. The end goal of every game publisher is to generate revenues and mobile game monetization facilitates in doing so. In-App-Ads is an effective and commonly used strategy for game monetization.

How In-App-Advertising works

Game publishers display ads in their games and get paid by the advertisers in return. The Ads are displayed into games either by directly making a deal with the advertisers or through a third party service provider by integrating SDK or bidding technology.

ConsoliAds helps you monetize your game using In-App-Ads through its light weight and feature rich SDK and offers following six ad formats:

  • Icon
  • Banner
  • Native
  • Video
  • Rewarded Video
  • Interstitial

Following are the Preferred Ad formats for game monetization:

Rewarded Video

Rewarded video is 30 seconds non skip-able video ad which users willingly opt for In- App-Reward. It results in higher user engagement and conversion.


Interstitial Ad format is static image and video that covers the full screen. When an interstitial ad pops up, users have two options either to click on the ad to get to the ad’s URL or to close the ad to go back to the game.


It is less intrusive than other Ad formats which matches the form and function of the game in which it appears.


It is one of the least intrusive Ad format. It appears at the top or bottom of the screen in the form of box, column or bar. It stays on the screen while the user is playing the game, and refreshes automatically after 30 seconds.

What is Auto Ad Mediation?

Ad Mediation

Ad Mediation is a process through which a mobile game publisher connects with multiple ad networks at a time through a single SDK. It allows the publisher’s inventory to access multiple ad networks and choose the desired one for different placeholders in their games. ConsoliAds feature rich yet light weight SDK allows access to 10+ premium ad networks for effective mediation.

Auto Ad Mediation

 Auto Ad Mediation is an automated solution for manual mediation. ConsoliAds offers an unbiased and effective auto ad mediation solution where game publishers do not need to manually switch between multiple ad networks for higher eCPMs. You can just sit back and relax, ConsoliAds will choose the highest paying mobile ad network from all available options to maximize ad revenues.

Consolidated Data

Once you integrate ConsoliAds mediation SDK into your game, you will be able to access 7 pre-installed ad networks on the go. However, you can also add or remove other ad networks of your choice to the SDK. You will be able to view all the stats of integrated ad networks (API/Auto Integrated) from ad impressions, revenues to installs at one comprehensive dashboard. Which allows you full transparency and control over your game monetization.

How Auto Integration minimizes ad mediation hassle

Auto Integration is a unique feature which saves mobile game publishers from the inconvenience of managing multiple ad networks for mediation. 

With ConsoliAds Auto Integration feature a mobile game publisher can access multiple ad networks with single SDK. Publishers don’t have to manage and create AD ID’s for each ad network; they can just integrate their games with ConsoliAds and rest of the process will be taken care of by us.

ConsoliAds Auto Integration saves you from game monetization hassle and brings you maximum revenues from verified ad sources.

Cross Promotion

Cross promotion is a game promotion strategy which helps mobile game publishers to promote their new game in their existing games inventory to make the most out of it and increase their daily active users.

Mobile game publishers would be able to scale up their game instantly without investing huge amounts and can acquire users with higher retention.

Cross Promotion Subscription Plan

ConsoliAds offers cross promotion subscription plans resulting in conversions as high as 10%.

Start your cross promotion campaign and subscribe to our cross promotion plan here for a seamless and uninterrupted experience and high-quality campaigns.

User Acquisition

User acquisition is one of the most effective strategies used by mobile game publishers to generate new users for their app/game through In-App-Advertising. UA is achieved by ad campaigns or other marketing driven activities.

How user Acquisition for an ad network works

Mobile Game/App publishers use an ad network mainly to acquire new users through their advertising campaign using multiple ad formats. 

ConsoliAds offers a platform to connect Advertisers with Publishers so that advertisers can access publisher’s inventory and display their ads in mobile apps/games to acquire high quality users and accelerate growth. Start your advertising campaign here.

How Brand management works?

Brands management allows mobile game publishers to manage their inventory of games in an efficient way. Brands are containers for your games and each game must be associated with a brand. It represents each account on google play or app store. While creating a new brand on ConsoliAds, the information you will specify like, support email and more apps url will be used against all the games associated with that brand.

Brand Package Prefix

Package prefix is compulsory to create a brand in order to make sure whenever a new game is created it is assigned to its related brand only.

There are multiple ways to create a game on ConsoliAds portal so in order to make sure that the new game is associated with its relevant brand, the new app package should have the package prefix of its brand.


  • Brand Name: Sugar Pot
  • Brand Package Prefix: com.sugarpot
  • Application Package: com.sugarpot.sweet.jelly.fun

User roles and rights

ConsoliAds provides a platform to mobile game publishers to create multiple users and remotely manage the account for effective game monetization. Users can be assigned roles for different brands and pages on the portal such as Apps, Finance etc. There are some default rights against each assigned role, but you can fully customize those rights against any role. You can configure users’ brand rights and the emails they receive.

How it works

Login to ConsoliAds portal and go to the ‘Users’ tab under ‘Company’. Create a user by clicking on the ‘New  User’ button. Add user’s details (role, name, email) and assign him the rights as per your requirements.

External Users:

You can now create external users in your account and assign them customized roles as well. It allows an external user to access multiple companies data in a single login as per the granted permissions and rights.

Dev Mode

Development mode is a feature introduced by ConsoliAds to help mobile game publishers and managers manage their games settings for a seamless game/app monetization.
It helps game publishers to make changes in their games and test them in the development mode. After verifying all the changes in development mode, publishers can then apply them to their live games/apps.

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